Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Mangroves and shrimp pond culture effluents in Aklan, Panay Is., central Philippines
(University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 2007)
The capacity of a natural mangrove system in Ibajay, Aklan province, central Philippines to process shrimp pond culture effluents was assessed through analysis of mangrove community structure and 24-hr monitoring of water ...
Oxygen, sulphide and nutrient uptake of the mangrove mud clam Anodontia edentula (Family: Lucinidae)
(Elsevier, 2001)
Oxygen, sulphide and nutrient (ammonia, nitrite and phosphate) uptake of Anodontia edentula was measured. Oxygen and sulphide were measured from sealed containers provided with 1 l fresh mangrove mud (sulphide source) and ...
Stock enhancement of threatened species in Southeast Asia
(Taylor & Francis, 2008)
Natural populations of global inshore fisheries are coming under heavy pressure, primarily due to overexploitation and habitat degradation. Stock enhancement of hatchery-reared seeds is perceived as an alternative strategy ...
Size and diel differences in activity patterns of Metapenaeus ensis, Penaeus latisulcatus and P. merguiensis
(Taylor & Francis, 2000)
The nursery function of mangroves as shelter has been postulated to explain the positive correlation between shrimp catches and mangrove area. This study was undertaken to document shelter use and other activities in ...
Elemental sulfur in the gills of the mangrove mud clam Anodontia edentula (Family Lucinidae)
(National Shellfisheries Association, 2000)
Different sizes of the mangrove mud clam <i>Anodontia edentula</i> were collected from the mangroves in Brgy. San Roque in Estancia, Iloilo, central Philippines, and the mantle, gill, and foot tissues were analyzed for ...