Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Mass production in concrete tanks of sugpo Penaeus monodon Fabricius spawners by eyestalk ablation
(Fisheries Research Society of the Philippines, 1978)
Two batches of 196 and 181 P. monodon females were ablated on one eyestalk in March and July 1977, respectively, and a control batch of 180 unablated females was stocked in July 1977. The females were stocked with males ...
Studies on the egg quality of Penaeus monodon Fabricius, based on morphology and hatching rates
(Elsevier, 1981)
Eggs of Penaeus monodon are classified into five different types on the basis of morphological criteria and hatching rates — A1 eggs undergo normal development with 58% hatching rate; A2 eggs show delayed and/or abnormal ...