Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Shrimp pond effluents and water quality in Imbang River, Negros Occidental
(Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture, 2007)
The contribution of shrimp farm effluents to the pollution load in Imbang River, Negros Occidental was measured during the period May 1993 to February 1995. Shrimp pond effluents were characterized and the pollution load ...
Treatment of shrimp pond effluents by sedimentation and by seaweed and mussel biofiltration
(Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture, 2007)
Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon were stocked in three 1,000 m<sup>2</sup> ponds at 12,000 juveniles/pond and grown for 141 days. Water quality in the ponds was monitored over the grow-out period, particularly before and after ...
Water quality in Imbang river, Negros Occidental: effluents and pollutant loads from agriculture, sugar mills, households, and shrimp farms
(Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture, 2007)
An ecological assessment of Imbang River in Negros Occidental was undertaken from December 1992 to February 1995. The effluents from sugar mills, households, shrimp farms, sugarcane plantations and rice fields were ...