Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 35
Manajemen budidaya udang yang baik dan ramah lingkungan di daerah mangrove
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 2002)
This 50-page manual puts together the best practices that SEAFDEC/AQD has developed with the Department of Fisheries in Thailand. These practices include the use of biomanipulators and greenwater system, the use of settling ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 35
Mabisang pamamaraan sa pagpapalaki ng sugpo na hindi makakapinsala sa mga bakawan
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 2002)
This 50-page manual puts together the best practices that SEAFDEC/AQD has developed with the Department of Fisheries in Thailand. These practices include the use of biomanipulators and greenwater system, the use of settling ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 4
Milkfish culture in brackishwater ponds
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1979)
The manual is intended as a guide for operation in milkfish farming. It is presented under the following major sections: 1) Handling of fry - counting, storage and transport; 2) Pond layout and construction - selection of ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 24
Grouper culture in brackishwater ponds
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1998)
Groupers (Epinephelus) are cultured in the Philippines using tiny fry and juveniles caught from the wild. A SEAFDEC/AQD technology verification study on grouper pond grow-out culture resulted in high productivity and ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 35
Best management practices for a mangrove-friendly shrimp farming
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 2002)
This 50-page manual puts together the best practices that SEAFDEC/AQD has developed with the Department of Fisheries in Thailand. These practices include the use of biomanipulators and greenwater system, the use of settling ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 25
The modular method: Milkfish pond culture
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999)
The modular method of milkfish culture (Chanos chanos) described in the manual is an improvement over the traditional extensive method. The manual is intended for the use of fish farmers and aquaculturists, extensionists, ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 28
Mudcrab, Scylla spp, production in brackishwater ponds
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999)
Mudcrab (Scylla spp) production in brackishwater ponds is now gaining popularity, especially in communities that need to supplement their income. The manual covers the following: Distribution; Grow-out operation in ponds ...
Series: Aquaculture extension manual; No. 74
Nursery and grow-out culture of snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii, Lacepede) in brackishwater ponds
This manual, titled “Nursery and Grow-out Culture of Snubnose Pompano (Trachinotus blochii, Lacepede) in Brackishwater Ponds,” includes culture techniques and good practices developed through extensive research done at the ...