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Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
Primary productivity, chlorophyll, phytoplankton and the development to eutrophic state of Taal Lake, southern Luzon, Philippines
Physico-chemical properties and biological components such as primary productivity, chlorophyll-a and phytoplankton were measured from January to October of 2008. This study aimed to determine the present trophic state and ...
Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
The recreational value of Taal Volcano protected landscape: An exploratory benefit transfer application
Some landscapes that have significant value to people are protected through statute. Protected landscapes that serve as popular recreational resources and destinations hold significant use values for the people that visit ...
Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
Lake Danao, San Francisco, central, Philippines: Its status and government initiatives for its conservation and sustainability
Lake Danao, a 649-hectare lake in Pacijan Island, was studied to find out its status in terms of activities of the inhabitants and government initiatives to conserve the lake, being the source of livelihood and a tourist ...
Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
Save Lake Buhi now
Lake Buhi (Fig. 1) is found in Buhi, Camarines Sur. It is situated at the north-eastern part of Iriga City. The lake has an area of 18 km2 and has an average depth of 8 m. The lake lies in the valley formed by two ancient ...
Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
Seven lakes research program updates
The Seven Lakes in San Pablo City, Laguna are all volcanic in origin. It spelled out the uniqueness of San Pablo City, influencing its traditions and culture. The seven lakes comprise the following: Sampaloc, Palaqpaquen, ...
Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
Dead zones in Philippine protected areas law: Institutional tolerance of lawbreaking and the complicity of the stakeholders
As many problems associated with the conservation and protection of lakes are perceived to be caused by the simple failure to enforce laws, this paper is an analysis of the myriad reasons behind the lack of law enforcement. ...
Series: Summary of Proceedings No. 1/2013;
Preliminary observations on the diel vertical migration of crustacean zooplankton in aquaculture and aquaculture-free areas of Lake Taal, Philippines
Freshwater zooplankton in tropical caldera lakes with intensive aquaculture are exposed to physical, chemical, and biological influences that have differences with other lake types. This study compares the diel vertical ...