Morphometric studies on three Penaeid shrimps, Penaeus japonicus, P. vannamei and P. marginatus in Hawaii
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Penaeus japonicus, P. vannamei and P. marginatus cultured at the Oceanic Institute in Hawaii, were sampled and measured. The shrimps sampled ranged from 1 to 15 g in body weight. The measurements included carapace length (CL), body length (BL), total length (TL) and body weight (BW). The results showed significant linear relationships between TL and CL, BL and CL. The relationships between CL and BW, BL and BW, TL and BW are well expressed by exponential curve. These relationships were found for all three species. However, P. japonicus has more similar morphometric characteristics to P. marginatus than P. vannamei. The carapace portion in P. vannamei is smaller than either P. japonicus or P. marginatus. In other words, P. vannamei has a greater edible portion than P. japonicus and P. marginatus. Equations for length-weight relationships can provide means of converting one characteristic into another.
Abstract only.
Lee, C. S., Sweeney, J. N. (1985). Morphometric studies on three Penaeid shrimps, Penaeus japonicus, P. vannamei and P. marginatus in Hawaii. (Abstract only). In Taki Y., Primavera J.H. and Llobrera J.A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawns/Shrimps, 4-7 December 1984, Iloilo City, Philippines (p. 176). Iloilo City, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
Conference posterISBN