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dc.identifier.citationSEAFDEC/AQD. (2013). Manual on milkfish cage culture operations. Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.en
dc.description.abstractMilkfish (Chanos chanos, or bangus) culture is the largest finfish aquaculture industry in the Philippines and continues to be a top aquaculture commodity primarily because it is easy to culture and can be grown in a wide range of environments. Milkfish thrives in freshwater, brackishwater, marine, and even hypersaline habitats. Milkfish production is increasing rapidly with much of the production moving away from the traditional culture in brackishwater ponds to fish cages in coastal marine waters. To provide a general view of the milkfish culture industry, brief descriptions on breeding, hatchery production, and nursery operation are included in this manual. This manual is meant to serve as a guide for those interested to venture into marine cage farming of milkfish. Milkfish culture has been practiced in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Taiwan for centuries and has been the focus of aquaculture research in a number of institutions for several decades. Innovations in culture practices as a result of information from research data and from farmer’s experiences have been adopted by industry practitioners and these are documented in the recently published book entitled Milkfish Aquaculture in Asia (Liao and Leano, 2010). The recent concern about the rapid growth of aquaculture and its possible environmental impacts, and risks that can threaten the sustainability of this expanding industry has also been the subject of many conferences to develop good management practices in aquaculture. Principles and guidelines on better management practices in marine finfish culture had been drafted and included in this manual.en
dc.publisherAquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectChanos chanosen
dc.titleManual on milkfish cage culture operationsen
dc.subject.asfamilkfish cultureen
dc.subject.asfacage cultureen
dc.subject.asfafish cultureen
dc.subject.asfainduced ovulationen
dc.subject.asfanursery pondsen
dc.subject.asfasite selectionen
dc.subject.asfafish pondsen
dc.subject.asfawater quality controlen
dc.subject.asfawater qualityen
dc.subject.asfafishery biologyen
dc.subject.asfafloating cagesen
dc.subject.asfadissolved oxygenen
dc.subject.asfawater temperatureen
dc.subject.asfaSecchi discsen
dc.subject.asfaorganic matteren
dc.contributor.corporateauthorSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Departmenten
dc.contributor.corporateauthorTaytay sa Kauswagan Inc.en
dc.contributor.corporateauthorDevelopment Bank of the Philippines (DBP)en
dc.contributor.corporateauthorNorwegian Agency for Development Cooperationen
dc.subject.scientificNameChanos chanos

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