AQD Matters 2024 July - August
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In this issue: 1) SEAFDEC expands aquaculture research complex; 2) AQD participates in USAID Southeast Asia Fisheries Partnership Workshop; 3) SEAFDEC/AQD connects with stakeholders at international exhibition; 4) SEAFDEC/AQD harvests vannamei shrimp; 5) Malaysian researchers train on marine fish hatchery, fish health management; 6) SEAFDEC/AQD conducts on-site training in Brunei Darussalam; 7) 51st Anniversary Celebration Highlights; 8) Nine graduate from the training course on marine fish hatchery; 9) Rehabilitated green sea turtle released in Antique waters; 10) Researcher presents study on the predator-induced behavior of hatchery-bred sandfish juveniles; 11) Seminars held for employee development; 12) SEAFDEC/AQD united through sports and teamwork
- AQD Matters [153]