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dc.contributor.authorTorres, P.L, Jr.
dc.contributor.authorJaspe, S.J.
dc.contributor.authorOniate, L.
dc.contributor.authorSilomenio, A.
dc.description.abstractWith the increasing trend to use pumps in aquaculture operations, tests were conducted on push pumps with three different propeller types. Type 21, a stainless two-bladed propeller where the blades were aligned together to form the Letter “I”, was found capable of delivering 10 m3/min at zero head. It was also the most efficient. The Type 2S propeller which has two blades made of brass with the blades forming the letter “S”, was found to have the lowest efficiency and also gave the lowest discharge. The performance of Type 3 propeller which has three blades made of brass is intermediate between the two other types. Push pumps are effective alternative pumping system for aquaculture.en
dc.publisherASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Projecten
dc.relation.ispartofIn: Report of the National Consultative Meeting on Aquaculture Engineering, 2-5 October 1985, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. Manila, Philippines: ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project. pp. 128-135en
dc.subjectWater pumpsen
dc.subject.lccVF SP 068
dc.titleComparative performance of three propeller blades used for push pumpsen
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.citation.conferenceTitleReport of the National Consultative Meeting on Aquaculture Engineering, 2-5 October 1985, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippinesen
dc.subject.asfaaquaculture engineeringen

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