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dc.contributor.authorParado-Estepa, F.D.
dc.contributor.editorLavens, P.
dc.contributor.editorSorgeloos, P.
dc.contributor.editorJaspers, E.
dc.contributor.editorOllevier, F.
dc.identifier.citationParado-Estepa, F. D. (1991). Survival of newly-hatched larvae of Epinephelus malabaricus at different salinity levels. In P. Lavens, P. Sorgeloos, E. Jaspers, and F. Ollevier (Eds.), Larvi '91 - fish & crustacean larviculture symposium, (pp. 323-325). European Aquaculture SocietySpecial Publication No. 15.en
dc.description.abstractThe development of an appropriate hatchery culture-technique for grouper Epinephelus malabaricus requires knowledge on the biology of this species. The environmental requirements, a critical aspect of biology, have, however, not yet been investigated. This study specifically deals with the influence of salinity on the survival of newly-hatched larvae.en
dc.publisherEuropean Aquaculture Society. EAS Special Publication No. 15en
dc.relation.ispartofIn: Lavens, P, Sorgeloos, P., Jaspers, E., Ollevier, F. (eds.). Larvi '91. Short Communications and Abstracts of Contributions Presented at the International Symposium on Fish and Crustacean Larviculture, 27-30 August 1991, Gent, Belgium. Gent, Belgium: European Aquaculture Society. EAS Special Publication No. 15. pp. 323-325en
dc.subjectEpinephelus malabaricusen
dc.subject.lccVF SP 135
dc.titleSurvival of newly-hatched larvae of Epinephelus malabaricus at different salinity levels.en
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.citation.conferenceTitleLarvi '91. Short Communications and Abstracts of Contributions Presented at the International Symposium on Fish and Crustacean Larviculture, 27-30 August 1991, Gent, Belgiumen
dc.subject.asfafood fishen
dc.subject.asfagrouper cultureen
dc.subject.asfasalinity effectsen

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