Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Mangroves and shrimp pond culture effluents in Aklan, Panay Is., central Philippines
(University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 2007)
The capacity of a natural mangrove system in Ibajay, Aklan province, central Philippines to process shrimp pond culture effluents was assessed through analysis of mangrove community structure and 24-hr monitoring of water ...
Janitor fish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus in the Agusan Marsh: A threat to freshwater biodiversity
(University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), 2007-06-01)
The aim of this study is to verify reports on the presence of invasive alien catfish, known locally as janitor fish, including their possible impact on freshwater biodiversity in the Agusan Marsh, Northeastern Mindanao in ...
Stock enhancement of threatened species in Southeast Asia
(Taylor & Francis, 2008)
Natural populations of global inshore fisheries are coming under heavy pressure, primarily due to overexploitation and habitat degradation. Stock enhancement of hatchery-reared seeds is perceived as an alternative strategy ...
Evaluation of hatchery-based enhancement of the mud crab, Scylla spp., fisheries in mangroves: comparison of species and release strategies
(CSIRO Publishing, 2009)
Ranching, stock enhancement and restocking are management approaches involving the release of wild or hatchery-bred organisms to enhance, conserve or restore fisheries. The present study, conducted from April 2002 to ...
The yellow mangrove: its ethnobotany, history of maritime collection, and needed rehabilitation in the central and southern Philippines
(University of San Carlos Publications, 2000)
Most mangrove reforestation program in the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia focus on the genus Rhizophora, hence there is a need to identify and develop planting and harvesting techniques for other mangrove species, ...
Assessment of the effectiveness of mangrove rehabilitation using exploited and non-exploited indicator species
(Elsevier, 2007)
Mangrove forests have been cleared at an alarming rate over the last century to allow space for settlements, agriculture and aquaculture and are still used today for fuel and construction. However, in the last few decades ...
Approaches to stock enhancement in mangrove-associated crab fisheries
(Taylor & Francis, 2008)
Over the last decade, hatchery production of mud crabs has become technically and economically more feasible, enabling evaluation of the potential effectiveness of hatchery release in fisheries enhancement. The high growth ...
Runt-deformity syndrome in cultured giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon
(Crustacean Society, 2000)
A total of 24 morphological abnormalities associated with the Runt-Deformity Syndrome (RDS) is reported for the first time in 17- to 18-mo old F<sub>3</sub> generation <i>Penaeus monodon</i> (>40 mm CL) belonging to ...
Mangroves, fishponds, and the quest for sustainability
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2005)
Aquaculture, the farming of shrimp and other useful aquatic and marine plants and animals in artificially confined and tended ponds, pens, and cages, ranks as a phenomenal success story in global food production. In 1975, ...
A lesson from cyclone Larry: An untold story of the success of good coastal planning
(Elsevier, 2007)
When tropical cyclone Larry crossed the Queensland coast on 20 March 2006, commercial, recreational and naval vessels in the port of Cairns, 60 km north of the eye of the cyclone and others closer to the eye, were protected ...