
dc.contributor.authorTacon, Albert G.J.
dc.identifier.citationTacon, A.G.J. (1996). Feed formulation and evaluation for semi-intensive culture of fishes and shrimps in the tropics. In: C.B. Santiago, R.M. Coloso, O.M. Millamena & I.G. Borlongan (Eds.). Feeds for Small-Scale Aaquaculture. Proceedings of the National Seminar-Workshop on Fish Nutrition and Feeds (pp. 29-43). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.en
dc.description.abstractSemi-intensive farming systems account for about 70% of fish and crustacean aquaculture production in the tropics, employing semi-intensive feeding methods ranging from the use of low-cost pond fertilization techniques to high-cost complete diet feeding strategies. The paper reviews the major feeding methods employed within semi-intensive farming systems, and emphasizes the importance of natural food organisms in the nutritional budget of pond-raised fish and shrimp. It also discusses the need of the aquaculture sector to reduce farm production costs through the use of improved feed formulation and on-farm feeds and new methodological approaches towards fish and crustacean nutrition research within semiintensive pond farming systems.en
dc.publisherAquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectSouth East Asiaen
dc.titleFeed formulation and evaluation for semi-intensive culture of fishes and shrimps in the tropicsen
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.subject.asfaartificial feedingen
dc.subject.asfafeed preparationen
dc.subject.asfafish cultureen
dc.subject.asfaintensive aquacultureen
dc.subject.asfapond cultureen
dc.subject.asfashrimp cultureen

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