Monthly variation of agar quality of some gracilarioids from the Philippines (Rhodophyta, Gracilariaceae)
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Species of the economically important gracilarioid seaweeds from the Philippines were studied to determine the monthly variation in agar quality. Yield, gel strength, melting and gelling temperatures, and sulfate contents were compared. Lowest agar yield was observed in Gracilaria changii in July (4.15%) and highest in Gracilariopsis heteroclada in March (20.84%). Gel strength was lowest in G. heteroclada in November (44 g cm-2) and highest in Gracilaria tenuistipitata in January (874 g cm-2). Melting temperature was lowest in G. heteroclada in November (68.7°C) and highest also in G. heteroclada in January (90.3°C). Gelling temperature was lowest at 34.4°C in G. changii and Gracilaria firma in November and December, respectively; and highest in G. heteroclada in October (45°C). Sulfate content was lowest in G. firma in November (0.16%) and highest in G. heteroclada in February (2.71%).
The variation in the agar parameters could be due to different composition of agars of different species. Sulfate is significantly lower in Gracilaria firma. Yield is significantly higher in Gracilariopsis heteroclada. There is no significant difference in the gel strength, melting and gelling temperatures among species.
Luhan, M. R. J., Ferrer, M. S. R., Tanaka, J., & Aruga, Y. (2004). Monthly variation of agar quality of some gracilarioids from the Philippines (Rhodophyta, Gracilariaceae). The Philippine Scientist , 41, 22-35.
- Journal Articles [1245]
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