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dc.contributor.authorEmata, Arnil C.
dc.contributor.editorBagarinao, Teodora, U.
dc.contributor.editorFlores, Efren Ed C.
dc.identifier.citationEmata, A. C. (1995). Research on marine and freshwater fishes, pp. 167-186. In: Bagarinao TU, Flores EEC (eds) Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan. Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Iloilo, Philippines.en
dc.description.abstractMost of the fish research at SEAFDEC AQD in 1992-1994 was on milkfish. Studies were conducted on year-round spawning through hormonal or environmental manipulation; optimum lipid and protein levels and ration size for captive broodstock; and the influence of spawner age on reproductive performance. The economics of hatchery operations, alone or integrated with broodstock as a commercial enterprise, was assessed. Mass production of larvae was refined with the use of commercial or SEAFDEC-formulated larval diets. Alternative rearing schemes in large tanks and ponds were tried. Hatcheryproduced and wild-caught larvae were compared in terms of growth and production in experimental nursery and grow-out ponds. Supplemental diets for brackishwater grow-out culture were formulated. Studies on broodstock management of grouper Epinephelus spp. included lipid enrichment of the diet and hormonal induction of sex inversion. Seed production techniques were developed but survival rates were low. Grouper culture was found economically feasible in experimental ponds with 'trash' fish as feed. The mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus was successfully induced to spawn with injection of human chorionic gonadotropin. Initial larval rearing trials were successful but survival rates must be improved. Hormonal manipulation of spawning of the Asian sea bass Lates calcarifer allows seed production during most of the year. Photoperiod manipulation leads to maturation of females, but not males, beyond the natural breeding season (April-November). Nursery rearing of 9 mm juveniles is feasible in floating net cages with night lights that attract food zooplankton. The requirements of sea bass for lipid, protein, carbohydrates, and essential amino acids were determined. In the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus, weekly injections of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) sustains milt production for three weeks. Thyroid hormones injected into broodstocks improved the growth of larvae to day 7. Induced spawning techniques for the Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus were refined by determining the seasonal responsiveness to LHRHa and pimozide injections and testing for pheromonal induction of spontaneous spawning. The optimum insemination rate was determined and egg hatchability was enhanced by removal of the adhesive coat before incubation. Several practical diets for catfish during grow-out culture were tested against 'trash' fish. The broodstock management for bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis was studied. Cage-reared juveniles from cage-reared broodstock showed the best growth. To improve the reproductive performance, the broodstock diets were supplemented with vitamins A, C, and E. Research on tilapias focused on genetics and strain selection. Several strain testing procedures for Nile tilapia were evaluated in their efficiency to detect economically important strain differences. Reference lines were developed from two existing red tilapia strains to measure and reduce the effects of uncontrolled nongenetic variables in strain evaluation experiments with Nile tilapia. The tolerance of two Nile tilapia strains to heavy metals was similar when gauged by the 24-hour and 96-hour lethal concentration and by fish growth, survival, and reproductive performance. In a separate study, four strains of red tilapia showed generally higher seed production when reared in tanks than in cages. Improvements in the feed and feeding management for Nile tilapia were also studied. Intensive tilapia farming and feeding have led to oxygen depletion and fish kills in Sampaloc Lake. To rehabilitate the lake, it is imperative to reduce the farming area from 30 to 6 hectares; stop the use of commercial feeds; and remove the water hyacinths and other debris. Fish kills in Laguna de Bay have also become serious in recent years, and a review of the occurrences, losses, and possible causes is currently being conducted. Studies on the epizootic ulcerative syndrome of snakeheads in Laguna de Bay have yet to pinpoint the pathogen. Skin lesions in tilapias in several ponds and lakes in the country were found to be due to bacteria.en
dc.publisherAquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectDicentrarchus labraxen
dc.subjectClarias macrocephalusen
dc.subjectChanos chanosen
dc.subjectLutjanus argentimaculatusen
dc.subjectSiganus guttatusen
dc.subjectLates calcariferen
dc.subjectEpinephelus coioidesen
dc.subjectgrowth controlen
dc.subjectOreochromis niloticusen
dc.subjectGiant perchen
dc.subjectGolden rabbitfishen
dc.subjectMangrove jacken
dc.subjectSouth East Asiaen
dc.subjectPhilippines, Luzon I., Zambales, Sampaloc L.en
dc.subjectPhilippines, Luzon I., Laguna de Bayen
dc.titleResearch on marine and freshwater fishesen
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.citation.conferenceTitleTowards sustainable aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan: Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines, 26-28 July, 1994en
dc.subject.asfawater qualityen
dc.subject.asfaenvironmental factorsen
dc.subject.asfafeed compositionen
dc.subject.asfamarine fishen
dc.subject.asfabrackishwater fishesen
dc.subject.asfabreeding stocken
dc.subject.asfafish cultureen
dc.subject.asfaanimal nutritionen
dc.subject.asfagrowth rateen
dc.subject.asfaseed (aquaculture)en
dc.subject.asfapond cultureen
dc.subject.asfaseed productionen
dc.subject.asfabiological differencesen
dc.subject.asfaaquaculture economicsen
dc.subject.asfafish diseasesen
dc.subject.asfahybrid cultureen
dc.subject.asfacage cultureen
dc.subject.asfadisease prophylaxisen
dc.subject.asfafeeding experimentsen
dc.subject.asfafreshwater aquacultureen
dc.subject.scientificNameChanos chanos
dc.subject.scientificNameDicentrarchus labraxen
dc.subject.scientificNameClarias macrocephalusen
dc.subject.scientificNameAristichthys nobilisen
dc.subject.scientificNameEpinephelus suillusen
dc.subject.scientificNameHypophthalmichthys nobilis
dc.subject.scientificNameLutjanus argentimaculatusen
dc.subject.scientificNameSiganus guttatusen
dc.subject.scientificNameLates calcariferen
dc.subject.scientificNameEpinephelus coioidesen
dc.subject.scientificNameOreochromis niloticusen

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  • ADSEA '94 [21]
    Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines, 26-28 July, 1994

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