
dc.contributor.authorCerezo, Rolando B.
dc.contributor.authorRebugio, Jesamine F.
dc.contributor.editorQuinitio, Emilia T.
dc.contributor.editorParado-Estepa, Fe Dolores
dc.contributor.editorColoso, Relicardo M.
dc.identifier.citationCerezo, R. B., & Rebugio, J. F. (2017). Adoption of modified commercial scale mud crab hatchery and nursery systems in Alaminos City, Pangasinan. In E. T. Quinitio, F. D. Parado-Estepa, & R. M. Coloso (Eds.), Philippines : In the forefront of the mud crab industry development : proceedings of the 1st National Mud Crab Congress, 16-18 November 2015, Iloilo City, Philippines (p. 148). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.en
dc.descriptionAbstract only.en
dc.description.abstractPangasinan’s vast fishpond and mangrove areas have not been fully tapped for mud crab (Scylla serrata) production. The main reason identified for this is the limited supply of crab seedstock. At present, there is no reliable source of seedstock in Pangasinan. The total requirement of Pangasinan for crab seedstock is estimated at 8.89 million based on the total area (ha) devoted to mud crab polyculture in the province. Mud crab growers in Pangasinan procure wild juvenile crabs from Cagayan, Bicol and Visayas but the volume is limited. Thus, an adoption of a modified commercial scale mud crab hatchery and nursery systems in Alaminos City would be helpful. A model mud crab hatchery will be constructed to enable the local government unit (LGU) of Alaminos City to produce seedstock in commercial quantity to boost the production in Pangasinan and nearby provinces. The hatchery aims to produce 480,000 juvenile crabs per year to supply the nursery and grow-out ponds. Likewise, the hatchery technology will promote the mud crab hatchery and nursery technologies in the city of Pangasinan and coastal towns (Infanta, Dasol, Burgos, Agno, Bolinao, Anda, Bani, Sual, Labrador, Lingayen, Binmaley, Dagupan City and San Fabian), and nearby provinces of La Union, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte and Zambales.en
dc.publisherAquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectScylla serrataen
dc.titleAdoption of modified commercial scale mud crab hatchery and nursery systems in Alaminos City, Pangasinanen
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.citation.conferenceTitlePhilippines : In the forefront of the mud crab industry development : proceedings of the 1st National Mud Crab Congress, 16-18 November 2015, Iloilo City, Philippinesen
dc.subject.asfaaquaculture techniquesen
dc.subject.asfabrackishwater aquacultureen
dc.subject.asfacrab cultureen
dc.subject.asfafish pondsen
dc.subject.asfamarine crustaceansen
dc.subject.asfapolyculture (aquaculture)en
dc.subject.asfapond cultureen
dc.subject.asfaseed (aquaculture)en
dc.subject.asfaseed productionen
dc.subject.asfaseeding (aquaculture)en
dc.subject.scientificNameScylla serrataen

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